DYATAG: Development of ultra-specific siRNA (small interfering RNA) to block tumor progression


24 Octobre 2015

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Biology / Medical



Development of ultra-specific siRNA (small interfering RNA) to block tumor progression and/or induce tumor regression. The use of these siRNAs is not just limited to oncology, as they also have applications for infectious and inflammatory pathologies.

RNA interference technology makes it possible to regulate gene expression levels by inhibiting the translation or induction of messenger RNA degradation. This highly promising therapeutic approach, notably against cancer, has experienced several setbacks over the past several years. Numerous pharmaceutical groups have come to reconsider their interest for this approach because of the lack of control over unspecific targets, the degree of titration of the molecular mechanisms involved to the detriment of endogenous mechanisms, and even the absence of recognized therapeutic delivery methods.

The project team focuses on the oncogenetic impact of Cycline D1. This protein, whose role has been clearly identified in the progression of numerous types of cancer, is considered as a therapeutic target of choice. An increase in Cycline D1 is observed in over 50% of cancer types, particularly in breast cancer, where it is over-expressed in more than 90% of the cases, regardless of the disease sub-type (ER+, Her2+).

The project seeks to screen siRNAs with therapeutic potential in order to model gene expression. The project has developed a technology that overcomes numerous technological barriers that affect RNA interference approaches, in particular the specificity of action. In addition, the approach involving the use of siRNAs to increase the expression of certain target sequences is particularly innovative because these siRNAs are generally known for exhibiting the opposite effect.

Therapeutic tools, diagnostics tools

VIDEO & WEBSITE: http://dyatag.com

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