ERGOSTEROL : development of an activation process of the sterol biosynthesis pathway


05 Novembre 2015

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Earth And Universe Sciences Biology / Medical


Chemicals, Materials & Plant-based Materials

ERGOSTEROL : development of an activation process of the sterol biosynthesis pathway, resulting in the overproduction of sterols and sterol derivatives.

Discovery of an activation process of the sterol biosynthesis pathway, resulting in the overproduction of sterols and sterol derivatives.

This innovation is compelling because it makes it possible to reach extremely activation high levels of the sterol biosynthesis pathway, and therefore to produce these compounds and their derivatives efficiently. At 120 mg per g of dry material, these levels are significantly higher than production levels obtained by currently used methods. Sterols are a metabolic pathway at the origin of numerous compounds representing interest for industrial and food needs.

Two types of markets offer particularly interesting opportunities for sterols derived from bio-production processes in the short- and medium terms: the pharmaceutical/cosmetics market, and the food market.

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