Rapid diagnostic of early pulmonary infection


12 Juillet 2019

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Biology / Medical




The massive use of antibiotics is a public health problem generating a phenomenon of antibiotic resistance. It is one of the main health threats at the world level.

The reduction of unnecessary prescription of antibiotics is the most effective way to prevent the emergence of bacterial resistance (collective benefit), but also to reduce adverse effects observed in patients (individual benefits). This project aims to develop a sensitive, specific, rapid and automated diagnostic method for a better management of patients suspected of having pneumonia.

The invention relates to an in vitro method for diagnosing the infectious state of an individual based on a sample of white blood cells arising from a biological specimen. The technology developed by the research team uses the autofluorescence of these specific cells of the immune system in order to diagnose the presence of bacterial and/or viral agents in an individual at risk.

The observation of the fluorescence to discriminate the presence in a biological fluid of cells whether or not they are activated by infection, and to determine the metabolic activation of neutrophils is innovative and brings a real added value to existing techniques without modifying the practices of health professionals and without substituting for them.

Ses bénéfices
- A fast, reliable and inexpensive diagnostic method, usable in routine for all patients suspected of respiratory infections
- Evaluation of immune activation at the site of infection
- Automated application to all respiratory specimens without additional biological fluid sampling
- Possibility of implementing this technique in the standard bacteriological analysis of respiratory fluids without specific prescription

Ses applications
- Hospital acquired infections
- Pneumnonia

Stade de développement
IN VIVO - Preuve de concept

Laboratoire de recherche
EA 3826 -

Équipe de recherche
Axe 1: Rôle de l'immunité innée au cours d'une infection bactérienne

Propriété intellectuelle associée
FR : FR1152356 - filed on the 03-22-2011

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