Dynamic Surface Management System for patient positioning in radiotherapy


12 Juillet 2019

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Biology / Medical




Our innovation is based on ToF cameras and cutting-edge signal processing and treatment to develop the first non irradiating imaging medical device allowing the realization of predictive models of internal structures movement starting from surface movements.

This technology gathers every means to monitor patient positioning and movement (intra and inter-fraction), patient surveillance, respiratory gating, relative patient / equipment position and potentially patient Identification!

Our innovation responds to the main challenge of radiotherapy, which is to maximize irradiation dose delivery on the tumor while avoiding adverse toxicity on healthy tissue and high risk organs.

IP :
SDSP© Software
New monitoring application (patentability analysis ongoing)

Publication :
Patient positioning in radiotherapy based on surface imaging using time of flight cameras. Med Phys. 2016
Patient positioning using surface images from Time-of-Flight (ToF) cameras, ESTRO, Barcelona, Spain, 2015.
Patient Positioning in Radiotherapy Using Time-of-Flight (ToF) Cameras, (NSS-MIC), Seattle, USA, 2014.
Accuracy of dynamic patient surface monitoring using a time-of-flight camera and B-spline modeling for respiratory motion characterization. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2012

Ses bénéfices
Single device for : movement monitoring (intra and inter-fraction), surveillance, respiratory gating, Patient’s ID
Internal structure models
No radiation
IRM compatible
Whole surface analysis
Easy to use
Not cumbersome
Competitive price

Ses applications
External beam therapy (EBT)

Stade de développement
TRL6 - Démonstration du prototype : Prototype device adapted for clinical research
Investigation clinique : Clinical evaluations (Positioning : 150 fractions ; Internal structure modeling: 5 patients) ; Respiratory monitoring: 10 patients)

Laboratoire de recherche
UMR_S 1101 - LATIM

Équipe de recherche
ACTION : Action thérapeutique guidée par l'imagerie multimodale en oncologie

Propriété intellectuelle associée
FR : IDDN.FR.001.190002.000.S.P.2017.000.10000 - filed on the 05-02-2017

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